January 17, 1998 – Shuffle at KMPS

Larry Is Still King

Hardwick Broadcasts Dial-up Computer Service

Contest Time Across The Dial

Jay Hamilton: It Was All About the Music! (Pt.1)

Hardwick at KIXI; Gannett Considers KHIT

“Country Music” on PBS (A Country DJ’s Thoughts) Episodes 1-4

AM/FM Duplicated Programming

Happy Birthday, Victor Stredicke!!!

HomeGrown KILO

Audio Memories – Mad Man Moskowitz

KOL hangs it up! – 1975

Phil Harper Has Left The Building…To Freelance

O’Day Part of KJR Re-start

Oldest South Sound Radio Stations

1981 Milestones

Again: Talk Of FOX Acquiring KCPQ

New Personality @ KMPS

Billboard Magazine: Country Radio ’85 – In One Era & Out The Other

Radio Does The Puyallup