1 thought on “O’Day Part of KJR Re-start

  1. From the Internet Archive, some of our Lost Comments—

    maplevalleymike says:
    July 19, 2018 8:15 am at
    I loved reading Victor’s radio columns, back when I first lived in Seattle in the early 1980s.

    pugetsound says:
    July 20, 2018 11:30 am at
    Seattle Times radio columns date way back to the 1920s. The Times maintained coverage of radio programming and personalities by columnists C.J. Skreen, Marty Loken, Victor Stredicke, Chuck Taylor… who am I forgetting?
    Other markets like Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York undoubtedly had similar columns featured in their newspaper. The Seattle Times sold a lot of Sunday papers because of the Victor Stredicke column. The lion’s share of readers were the radio personalities, management, and consultants.

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