1 thought on “KVL mobile unit

  1. mikec says:
    July 11, 2016 4:16 pm at
    I’ve made references to this picture here previously when discussing ‘remotes’ & early live broadcasts in Seattle. I’m absolutely captivated by Arthur Daileys mobile broadcasting station & wonder if he was transmitting directly onto assigned 1370 kc/s. I always get the impression that KVL was a one-man operation but could be wrong. I also wonder how he powered this equipment as generator/converters to change from 6 or 12 volts DC car batteries to higher AC voltages wouldn’t have been available at the time. I suspect the technically skilled Mr Dailey must have created such a device, if indeed this gear is being powered by car batteries. In any event, it’s a technical marvel for it’s time!

    pugetsound says:
    July 11, 2016 6:24 pm at
    I wish I knew what the grey unit in the vehicle was. Looks like something with a motor. MOHAI or the Hall of Radio History may contain more information on Dailey’s remote broadcast facility.

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