New mission for Michelle Millman

(PR notice) Cancer Pathways is thrilled to announce the hiring of longtime television news anchor and Seattle area resident Michelle Millman as its new CEO.

Millman has donated countless hours helping raise awareness, encourage cancer advocacy and continuing education in our communities since first being diagnosed in 2008. She has hosted well over 100 events and helped raise millions of dollars over the years.
Millman is an example of fortitude, endurance, and unwavering devotion as a cancer campaigner.

12 thoughts on “New mission for Michelle Millman

  1. As a breast cancer survivor, I have followed Michelle’s work as an advocate for those suffering from cancer. I’m excited to see where her journey takes her in this venture. Thank you Michelle for all you do for others suffering with. Cancer.

    Inta Marie Jette

  2. Since she didn’t go to a competitor, why didn’t KIRO give her a send off or tribute? She was there for close to a decade. I’ve seen some reporters leave after a couple of years and stations make a big deal of it. Strange.

    1. Probably not an “amicable” parting of the ways. They did make a big deal (on the air) of her cancer issues. Ratings?

      1. Sadly, yes. Some of the coverage of Michelle’s cancer situation and Kathi Goertzen’s cancer, seemed to be beyond what was necessary for tv viewers.

        1. Perhaps, but I think that Kathi was in living rooms (even though, who watches TV in their living room) rec rooms and phones for decades. I think to viewers, she became an extension of the family.
          Along with her longevity, she had a real talent for connecting with her viewers.

        2. Been wondering why I don’t see her on her usual news slot. We miss you on the air. So thrilled to hear you’re heading to a job that was destined for you. Congratulations and God bless you. 🙏❤️

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