Jonathan Choe cuts deal with NewsBreak

From Jonathan Choe, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow, Journalist: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I just struck a deal with NewsBreak (@newsbreak app) and we are going all in on hyperlocal video-driven journalism. You can also customize your news feed and get the most relevant stories. With everything streaming on mobile devices, this is your one-stop shop for updates in the region. Download the app and please check it out. Follow me, @choeshow to see exclusive content focused on #Seattle and other parts of #Washington. More collaborations on the way!

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

1 thought on “Jonathan Choe cuts deal with NewsBreak

  1. Interesting. Shown the door because his reporting revealed an accurate view of what Seattle has been turned into. May even get an Emmy for it.

    I wish him well.

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