Friday Quickie— Viewers Question: What Happened To Steve Bunin? Gone, Gone, Gone.

Steve Bunin exited KING 5 in mid-October. It was NOT his choice to do so. He has not gone into detail on the subject. He mentioned on Facebook, “I’m still in Seattle, but no longer at KING5. Hopefully, you’ll find me on another TV station in town soon, but if not, I’ve had a great run – from ESPN to KING and many other places as well!”…Mike Nicco exits KGO tv/San Francisco to Join KSHB/Kansas City as Chief Meteorologist, replacing Gary Lezak, who retires December 1st...Mike Nelson, weathercaster at KMGH/Denver, celebrates 46 years in the Tv biz…

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

30 thoughts on “Friday Quickie— Viewers Question: What Happened To Steve Bunin? Gone, Gone, Gone.

  1. As a life long Seattle area viewer KING 5 was my go to station since my late teens through my 40’s/early 50’s. I find it unwatchable now (as most stations are). There was a time when they simply reported the news. Not the news through the reporter or stations blatant political or social bias. (I get that there is always some hint of bias) KING 5 has made a conscious effort to refer to their news readers as “storytellers” rather than reporters. Give me the audio and video in an un-biased, opinion free way, and I can decide how I’ll interpret. They got rid of their solid journalists and now are more like “KID 5” news.

    Please give the viewing public the respect and opportunity to make up their own minds.

  2. Something wrong is going on with whoever is on the Top Management of KING TV. A lot of known favorite newscasters and Weather Men just suddenly disappear. There is some sort of Power Tripping going on there.

  3. I quit KING5 months ago. Tired of the downward spiral of on air staff. Been a viewer since forever but enough is enough. So sad.

  4. I don’t understand why King 5 fires so many good people such as Steve Bunin. He was VERY positive and I enjoyed listening to this “above the fold” segment and did an excellent dog segment. He seemed to care about his community.

  5. King 5 has gone from great to mediocre what a shame! Steve Bunin was a much better anchor than what is currently at the noon time slot. Very sad to see the anchors talk with Chuck Todd on Fridays, they just don’t get it.

  6. I’m disappointed that they let Steve Bunin go. He added religious diversity.

    Do we really need more white female reporters? Let’s add some Latin-x! Thx.


    1. I agree! What a mistake to let him go! Loved his delivery of the news. He was so personable. Very disappointed he is gone. ☹️

  8. He was the reason I watched the news at noon. He was one of the best at delivering the news and I always appreciated his humor and the sparkle in his eye.

  9. I really miss seeing Steve at noon everyday on King 5. He’s upbeat positive personality. I loved his different color glasses and his talks with Chuck Todd on Fridays they seem to have such a great connection. He is very missed I hope he finds a really great job here in Seattle so I can continue watching him.

  10. What is it lately with King5? First they dumped one of the best anchors I’ve seen in the Northwest in the past 45 years: Mark Wright. And now Steve Bunin. What they both had in common was top-notch presentation along with a real personality. That matters to a lot of us viewers. Instead we get Steve Soliz – who has the personality of a rock and a mumbling delivery. It’s got to be about money. Because it is not about King’s ability to recognize talent and keep it!

  11. Steve was our favorite newscaster. He was professional & well liked and an Emmy winner. His Pet Rescue segment, the newspapers from other WA cities, & his talk with Chuck Todd were things I looked forward to weekly. What a loss for us.

  12. Steve Bunin was my favorite news anchor and I was shocked to hear that he was fired. He was a positive and passionate reporter. I have watched King5 for over 30 years and am disappointed with the station and will check out the opposition.

  13. I cannot believe King 5 fired Steve Bunin! It’s such a shame. He’s awesome! I hope he gets a job with another Seattle TV station, and if he does, King 5 will lose me as a viewer of King 5 News.

  14. How could King 5 let Steve Bunin go? We waited all week to see his Pet Rescue of the Week segment on Fridays. If Steve Bunin is gone, we’re not watching King 5 anymore.

  15. I always looked forward to watching his news cast!!! Such a nice man,
    I hope he shows up somewhere!!! Love watching him!!!

      1. Yes it is about racial quotas…so wrong as he was my favorite! I quit watching when they began using Shante Sumpter as a newscaster, Though she is one of few that actually pronounces Des Moines correctly she just really sounds like a kid with a mouth full of oatmeal…

    1. I am so surprised to lose Steve Bunin! I really liked him & appreciated his telecast manor. He seemed always on the positive & certainly had the best delivery of all of KING5’s people. Sorry to lose him. Thanks, a friend

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