Goodbye, Brian Stelter. Buh-bye. G’bye Now….

CNN’s viewership is down more than 75 percent since Joe Biden took office. This collapse was predicted by none other than former ABC “Nightline” anchor Ted Koppel in 2018, when CNN was enjoying relative success as an anti-Trump network.

“The ratings are up, it means you can’t do without Donald Trump. You would be lost without Donald Trump,” Koppel told Stelter at the time.

CNN’s chairman and CEO Chris Licht told anxious staffers Friday that more changes are coming to CNN, as he addressed the news of Brian Stelter’s exit following the cancellation of his Sunday show Reliable Sources.

According to sources who were present, Licht told CNN employees at Friday’s well-attended editorial meeting, “There will be moves you may not agree with or understand.” Some took that to mean they may not like some of the changes. [Deadline/The Hill]

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

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