1978 – KEDO Longview Automates, Because Mature Audiences Aren’t Into Having Favorite DJs

Feb_23__1978 – Click picture to ENLARGE

2 thoughts on “1978 – KEDO Longview Automates, Because Mature Audiences Aren’t Into Having Favorite DJs

  1. One of my earlies memories of automation was hearing KPQ-FM in Wenatchee. They had a time check as part of the system. At 10:40 pm I heard an announcer with a beautiful voice confidently proclaim, “Good afternoon, it’s 4:15!”

    Back when AM was still king, we had FM automation in the hallway at KBRO Bremerton that was pretty reliable. It was in the basement at KPUG Bellingham, and not so reliable. When the “dead air” light started blinking the AM jock was to run out of the control room, down the stairs and fix the problem–then get back upstairs before their record ended. Thus, a glitch in the automation could end up causing dead air on the AM as well (I couldn’t run fast enough).

    1. I have noticed that some stores now carry-over a Labor Day sale maybe a week beyond. Hearing the commercial days after Labor Day makes me think an error has been made, as in, someone forgetting to update the copy.

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