3 thoughts on “1977: Bellingham Radio, The Influence of Personality On The Air

  1. Lujack wrote in his book “there was a time when DJ,s were considered heroes Today being a DJ is slightly more respectable then snatching purses” I personally feel being a personality should work on almost all formats. What does strikes me funny is in the late 80,s or perhaps earlier KMPS used to play 12 in a row. Hour after hour. Day after day. 94 country, KMPS. That is all the dj said. No room for personality. The DJ mentioned his name once an hour.
    I remember in 84 country stations started hiring big name personalities. KMPS had Ichabod Caine and KRPM had Ryan and Ryan as well as Jack Morton. They were eliminated at KRPM a short time later at KRPM in favor of more music.
    If I were looking for a radio gig during that time period, at least I know how to impress a P.D. during an interview. “I know how to say 12 in a row”

  2. Steve Lewis of KBFW is PugetSoundMedia’s Steven L. Smith. Regardless of the format, the personality of the disc jockey could have been an asset to the station. If radio had just been a non-stop jukebox without the interjection of humor and information, Victor Stredicke would have had nothing to write about in the Seattle Times. Puget Sound Media was developed based on that, the importance of personality radio. I disagree that a country radio personality is more important than a personality jock on Top 40 radio. Maybe I read that part of the article wrong.

    1. Jason…you read it correctly. That was a quote by the KPUG jock. Maybe he had little personality and wanted to justify it. I do not recall the guy. I remember many KPUG jocks but not him. Bland is not memorable. I had lunch with Pete Kremen a month back. We discussed this article and how some of the quotes the Herald inserted at the end…socially funny then….would not be today….call them career sinkers. Pete went to KPUG as news director and left radio. He ended up the most successful politician in Whatcom County history. State rep and then county executive for umpteen years. My observation was he was so successful in part because he managed his consituency like a radio station ran promotions. He was everywhere…high school graduations, grand openings. You name it Pete was there. And he sent letters of congrats to honor roll students and parents all over the county. If he had not retired he would still be in office. Top of the mind awareness.

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