Midwin Charles, CNN and MSNBC legal analyst, dead at 47

This item may have been overlooked— (APRIL 6, 2021) Midwin Charles was a prominent defense lawyer and the founder of Midwin Charles & Associates LLC, a boutique law firm offering full services in criminal defense, commercial and civil litigation, and general corporate law, according to her LinkedIn bio.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & QZVX.com | Jason's Airchecks

6 thoughts on “Midwin Charles, CNN and MSNBC legal analyst, dead at 47

  1. Very sad. My condolences to Ms Charles and her family. Given the fact that she was in the media (CNN) and public about getting the shot it would be in the public interest for her family to disclose the COD in this case. Of course it is their choice.

    There has been far too little research, and much mis-information by many (both governmental and from the media) concerning the pandemic and vaccines. Sadly it has been hyper politicized. To “Vax or not to Vax” is a personal and private decision. Either decision is legitimate based on the personal situation of the individual. The idea that the vaccines have been widely tested and are safe has been publicized by many in the media. The vaccines have not existed long enough to have any long term data of their efficacy or safety. The corners cut in rushing them to market is reason enough for anyone to have legitimate concerns.

  2. It’s a sad event for sure. She was trying to help the situation by doing what she thought was right. And the implication is the shot killed her, although details are sketchy. Hopefully more information will be released. Personally I know three people who passed from covid. Two of them thought it a fraud disease, made up…. but they died miserably coming down with minor cold symptoms but over 3 weeks or less they were unable to breath and died in the hospital as pneumonia complicated matters.

    1. I’ve been unable to find any information confirming the shot was the cause. That, however, is not to say it wasn’t. I just haven’t been able to find anything and her family has not revealed the cause. We have a friend, with the majority of her immediate family living in New York state, who has had seven people in that immediate family die of Covid.

    1. The most recent information about her death is she did not have a severe allergic reaction and die soon after receiving a covid-19 vaccine, which she received on March 1st. She died more than a month (April 6th) after getting the vaccine and her family has not disclosed the cause of her death. However, fact checkers have asserted that attempting to make a connection between the vaccine and her death is dangerously misleading and appears to be an attempt to sow confusion and create unwarranted vaccine hesitancy.

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