What might have been

This sale fell through -(1974) KTVW(Tv) Seattle: Sold by Blaidon Mutual Investors Corp. to Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. for $1.5 million. Donald Wolfstone is principal owner of Blaidon.
M. G. Robertson is president of nonprofit Christian Broadcasting Network which also operates WYAH -Tv Portsmouth, Va.; WHAE-TV Atlanta; WXNF -Tv Boston; WXRL-FM Norfolk, Va.; and WNW FM Wethersfield; WEIV -FM Ithaca; WMRV FM Bristol: WOW-FM DeRuyter and WJIV -FM Cherry Valley, all New York, and KDTv(Tv) Dallas. KTvw is on channel 13 with 214 kw visual, 31.6 kw aural
and antenna 800 feet above average terrain. (Broadcasting Magazine 1974) Pat Robertson heads CBN – The huge church of the air, one of the largest and longest-running Christian TV broadcasters. NON-PROFIT? Please!

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & QZVX.com | Jason's Airchecks

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