Clever media marketing; What did I win?

Out of the thousands of viewers that click on the Olympian newspaper website each day, they chose me. I’ve been offered a special deal on a subscription to the Olympian. You may have to call the offices of the Olympian directly and ask that you might also get this deal. You’ll probably be told it is an online offer only.
There are winners, and there are losers. Better luck next time, Pal!

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

4 thoughts on “Clever media marketing; What did I win?

  1. And just yesterday, I got a six-month unrestricted subscription to The Orlando Sentinel at a decent price: free.

    I like reading newspapers and news sites from all over the world, pawing through all the bias. Everybody’s got a different angle. Small town papers are the best. It’s harder to b.s. people when you see them every day and know them by name.

    1. How much longer can newspapers maintain competent journalists at the local level with zero fee subscriptions? The print edition is overpriced and the news within it is three days old. This model cannot exist much longer.

      1. I sometimes think about one of the perks of being a Metro driver in the morning rush. Someone would usually leave the paper on their seat when they got off. They might even bring it up front and hand it to me. And I’d tell my relief, “Today’s paper’s behind the seat.”

        Holding a newspaper in your hand or reading the local paper folded next to your sausage and eggs and hashbrowns in some small-town restaurant like Molly’s Cafe in Snowville, Utah is a real comfort.

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