More KTAC, please!

I absolutely love your website!
Is there any way you can please put more KTAC from Tacoma, WA on the site?
I’d sure appreciate it!!
Are there more WA and Phoenix stations you can do this with?
Thank you so much,
Catherine McIvor.

Thank you for your suggestions, Catherine. We welcome airchecks from every Washington radio station. Most of the audio on the website has been contributed by our readers, many former radio personalities. Many of the articles were also written by these and other radio personalities from across the State.

KTAC mentions and audio can be found by this SEARCH link (more than 140 posts and pages)

Phoenix radio and television mentions and audio (over 80 posts and pages)

If there are any ex-KTAC radio personalities or listeners that wish to submit stories or audio, email it to me, Jason Remington, at
and I will be happy to add it here.

Thanks again, Catherine!

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

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