8 thoughts on “Claire Anderson named evening news meteorologist at KCPQ

    1. What is going on at KIRO? Is this just a matter of FOX having more money to throw around than Cox, or are the newsroom conditions that bad?

      I do wonder what the suits at CBS think of this vis a vis KSTW’s future. Seattle is a top 15 market with an NFL team, and their current affiliate is bleeding news talent. They already have that KPIX-produced news “operation”; it makes me wonder if there is now a stronger desire to move the CBS affiliation back to channel 11.

      1. First of all, the KPIX-produced newscast ended months ago. Not a factor. But CBS today doing major cuts at its O&Os. 23 gone in L.A.. No word on KSTW.
        Secondly, it you think KIRO has bled talent, how about this list from KCPQ: Anchors Liz Dueweke, Jamie Tompkins, Brian Flores and Chief Met Lisa Villegas, reporters Steve Kiggins and Olivia Lively and Asst. ND Denise Guerrero, among others. At least Michelle Millman left 7 to join Cancer Pathways. One other thing to remember is that a hedge fund (Apollo) now owns COX stations (KIRO) and have made cuts everywhere.

      2. The rumored price of the buyout of Cox by Apollo was 3 Billion. Not sure how it was structured but any way you cut it that is a large amount of debt to service in a broadcast industry that is hemorrhaging ad dollars to streaming and internet based outlets. The broadcast media is adapting as viewership continues it’s rapid and inevitable decline.

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