Tom Hutyler Bounced From Lotus/Seattle

Long, long, long-time voice of KOMO now KNWN 1000/97.7 NewsRadio, Tom Hutyler, was let go from the Lotus outlet last Friday. No info on the reason but likely a cutback ($$$) because, money. It is the root of all evil and it drives corporate America. It ($$$) moves business and in cases like this, it moves people out of the building. We hope Tom Hutyler rebounds soon. Hutyler remains the PA voice of the Seattle Mariners.


Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

8 thoughts on “Tom Hutyler Bounced From Lotus/Seattle

  1. Sad that Tom was terminated at KNWN…he’s a classy guy and a superb broadcaster. A loss to this station and to those of us who enjoyed his air time.

  2. that sucks I really like tom Hutlyer followed him forever hope he is old enough and have enough years to retire good luck Tom

  3. Isn’t it lovely. The corporate bean counters. It’s the reason I departed from morning drive at KBSG 97.3 “The Best Oldies”) in 1989 on my 40th birthday, to enjoy better things in life, like flying the friendly skies. All the Blue Sky $$$ promised but never received from Viacom, another corporate profiteer, is not unlike Tom’s situation. At least when Fisher Blend Flour (aka The Fair Scone folks) owned KOMO there was a really solid form of long-term stability. Same with First Media when they owned KUBE 93. Those days are long gone. And then there were the hucksters, with a Million Dollar giveaway and “prize packages” – in order to garner ratings to boost the inflatable FED Dollar value of the station – so it could be spun off and sold at a profit to Gannett. Yeah, I was there too and observed the nervousness, never knowing what tomorrow might bring. And from there, well, 106.9 has been a real Dollar coaster of a ride. LOL. Oh, and those oldies at 97.3, they were actually really well worn-out oldies and not really ‘the best’ as advertised. One of THE BEST collection of oldies I’ve ever heard was on the Internet, and that was Rich Bro Radio, run by Rich Brother Robbin out of Oecanside, California after he left KCBQ. However, after his move to Tuscon, Rich Bro Radio played for awhile and then, poof, disappeared.

    1. How does one define Oldies?
      Minimal 50s, American 60s releases mainly/minimal British, 70s through 90s including including deep cuts. 60s through 90s should include popular MOR/AC and top Country hits. Old-school R&B 60s through 90s, deep cuts. No rap, no novelty tunes and minimal airplay of those tunes that consultants tout as listener approved.
      Figure out a playlist that doesn’t repeat for eight days and I will listen, as long as the playlist does not include Brown-Eyed Girl and Horse With No Name.
      Tell me why this wouldn’t work.

      1. I think you’re pretty close! Gotta find an archived CD Rom or reel of Rich Brother Radio… and then you’ll know! I’ll try to find and send. I think I saved some of his streaming… somewhere.


  4. No surprise that they would unload a higher salaried employee. The sale to Lotus removes any loyalty they might have as an employer.
    Good luck Tom.

    1. Well I bet Lotus didn’t like the idea of him being paid by the Seattle Mariners and how many shifts did he ended up missing at Como when he had to be the announcer at the Mariner games I’m assuming he missed some because of his work schedule.

      But now’s the opportunity for KIRO 710 to get rid of Mike Salk and put Tom in his place

      1. The TALENT is dispensed with as stations continue cutbacks. In the meantime, voice-tracking has taken over music radio.

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