1974 – KTVW 13, The Blaidon Station Swirling The Drain

4 thoughts on “1974 – KTVW 13, The Blaidon Station Swirling The Drain

    1. PATTERSON Paul “Pat” Patterson, born June 26, 1926 Founding President of WCVO Christian Radio Station, Gahanna, Ohio.

    2. This was definitely Marion G. “Pat” Robertson they quoted, as many later articles on his offers to buy 13 name him correctly. The 700 Club wouldn’t start airing here (on KSTW) until about a year later, so he was an unknown to the writer.

      1. You are correct —From Broadcasting Magazine, April 1974:
        KTVW(TV) Tacoma- Wash.- Broadcast Bureau granted transfer of control for KTVW Inc. from Blaidon Mutual Investors Corp. (100% before, none after) to Christian Broadcasting Network (none before, 100% after). Consideration: $1,500,- 000 and adjustments. Principals: Donald L. Wolf- stone is president of Blaidon. Christian Broadcasting is nonstock, nonprofit corp. and owns WYAHTV Portsmouth. Va., WHAE -TV Atlanta, WXNETV Boston and KXTX -TV Dallas (BTC -7329). Action March 21.

        Pat ROBERTSON, not PATTERSON as the Times had quoted.

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