6 thoughts on “1952 (TNT) Radio Listings

  1. Long ago, when KJR carried ABC network programs, such as the Lone Ranger, earning the station a place in the News Tribune daily radio listings.

    1. I remember in the mid-70s rock-and-roll days that “Channel 95” was actually again an ABC affiliate, but only in a VERY limited way. KJR carried ABC’s American Contemporary network news at 5 minutes to the hour, but only in the very, very early hours — like 2:55, 3:55 and 4:55 a.m. (I remember that distinctly from when I was pulling all-nighters cramming for exams at Seattle Pacific University… 🙂 I always wondered why KJR even bothered to do that if they deliberately intended so few listeners to hear it!

      1. Maybe they had to run it a minimum number of hours per month or clear some network spots.
        I never saw the hourly newscasts as a bother. I liked everything about Top 40 radio.

      2. Back in those days almost every AM station had some sort of news presence…you stated in your license app how much airtime you’d run as news…and if you couldn’t prove it come renewal time…ouch!

        1. It was a rough time for the peons too. We couldn’t cuss on the air, we had to read the meters every half hour, we had to give legal ID’s, we had to sign the logs . . . we had to put our records away too. The only thing that made it bearable was that being on the radio back then was lots of fun.

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