Newscasts to resume on KSTW 11

NewscastStudio reports: CBS Television Stations is preparing to launch a series of new newscasts for non-CBS affiliated stations it owns starting the week of July 18, 2022. KSTW TV 11 will resume newscasts for the first time since 2005 under the “Seattle Now News at 10 on CW11” moniker, according to information obtained from program listings and confirmed by CBS.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

7 thoughts on “Newscasts to resume on KSTW 11

  1. This is run out of the hub which is KPIX. KPIX currently supplies the weather forecast breaks etc. seen on KSTW. The newscasts will emanate from KPIX. The initial reports said that CBS would have reporters here locally, but that they would continue to use KPIX as the base. I envision a day when most corporate-owned stations operate that way and we say goodbye to all of the local talking heads.

    1. There are fewer and fewer true “locals” at Seattle TV stations. Most newsreaders seem to last about 2-3 years before moving on to another opportunity. They transition in from all over the country. Having a local newscast (with people who have little local knowledge) seems to have less and less relavence.

  2. I’m a bit confused … the reporters will be in Seattle, but the anchor desk in San Francisco?? Is that what you are saying? Does Channel 11 now have not even a studio here?

  3. Well there goes the only decent show on CW11. Seinfeld.

    Yeah Seattle needs another news “show”. Right.

  4. A committee came up with the name “Seattle Now News at 10 on CW11.” Rolls off the tongue and easy to remember. Yeah!

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