19 thoughts on “Niku Kazori Joins KIRO

  1. One man that broke thru the image is everything barrier was Wayne Cody. Sports reporting genius that could eat an entire pot roast with an ice cold CocaCola with a smile on his face.

    1. Sports is serious business now. Someone like Wayne Cody or even Tony Ventrella would never be given a shot today. They were unpredictable.

      The same goes for weather. Of course Harry Wappler was knowledgeable, but even he had a bit of showmanship that wouldn’t be welcome. I remember when Andy Wappler was first starting out on the morning news in the mid-’90s, he was pretty goofy making one-liners and puns all the time. At some point he must have been told to tone it down, because he changed pretty abruptly.

  2. So now KIRO is getting their “on-air” personality’s from San Antonio.AAron Wright worked at the same station that she did…do they know each other?….since she was in Japan maybe not.

    There just has been so much changing in the news media in the Seattle area the past year or more.It use to be much more stable but then KING, KOMO, were locally owned…KIRO wasn’t then and isn’t now.

    1. KING hasn’t been locally owned in 30 years.

      I think the quickened pace of the revolving door at these stations is a sign that television news is in a terminal phase. If it was still lucrative, a large market like Seattle would be a lot more stable.

      I see these nameless pretty faces and feel sorry that no one has told them TV has jumped the shark.

        1. Hadn’t even thought of the celebrity part. I’m sure most of these folks can go grocery shopping without being recognized.

          There will never be another generation of Jean Enersens and Harry Wapplers.

  3. News has gone Hollywood. Blame it on the short attention span of viewers. They may tune in longer to see someone like her. Yeah, not many fugly wenches on tv. Unless you watch The View.

    1. For a medium that daily preaches about inclusion and equality for all, it always leaves me shaking my head at how the hiring decisions increasingly are made more by appearance than any substance. This is true especially in the weather/traffic departments where the “sausage dress” seems to be the most important qualification. Made me think of Christine Craft. (The View? not on my watch lol)

      1. Nothing new and not just “the girls”. . . remember the “perfection in masculinity” that such as Dan Lewis and Gary Justice wore to work every day?

        1. It goes as far back as the handsome Clif Kirk replacing the old radio hand Dick Bingham.

          And didn’t Channel 11 have a model doing the weather around the same time? I know I’ve seen a picture of a KOMO “weather girl” sitting on a relief map of Washington in the late ’50s.

          TV has always been a visual medium… At least back then they weren’t trying to pass the bimbos off as experts in anything.

          1. I’ve never seen such rudeness like this before. You people are suggesting she’s a bimbo, too much make up, too much southern accent, etc. Remind me not to visit Seattle. Her last gig (San Antonio), she dressed appropriately and was active in the community. And more important she’s a military spouse. I wish I could “B” slap some of you with a common decency stick. Military spouses don’t wear the uniform but they wear the commitment that they’re spouses wear. Shame on you Seattle.

    1. It will be interesting to see if she can drop the Southern accent, given the fact that all of her experience has been in the South…oh well, she will be moving elsewhere within a few months.

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