KIRO Radio Celebrates The Spirit of ’62 – This year, KIRO Newsradio’s resident historian Feliks Banel will present a series of radio stories, video, other digital media and public programs marking the 60th anniversary of the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair. You can hear Feliks Banel every Wednesday and Friday morning on Seattle’s Morning News on 97.3 KIRO Radio.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

2 thoughts on “KIRO Radio Celebrates The Spirit of ’62

  1. The great Seattle columnist Emmett Watson wrote an article in the Seattle PI that I will never forget! The article was published on April 20th, 1962, one day prior to the opening of the World’s Fair. Watson told everyone in the Seattle area to take just one more look around, because after the doors of Century 21 were opened, our great City would never be the Same!!! Was he ever the Nostradamus of 1962?

  2. Mr. Banel does bring the research!…but his delivery style I find irritating…he talks like a chipmunk on Speed!.I will listen to any info on the 1962 World’s Fair…..I was so impressed, as a mere 15yo kid, about all of the futuristic exhibits, the rides, and the many cute girls attending!…That fair was the greatest civic achievement for Seattle in the last 60 years…in many ways, it put my city on the map, drew over 10,000,000 visitors, most of them out of state, and was featured on the covers of two Life Magazines–heady stuff, back in the day. Joe Gandy, a car dealer, and Eddie Carlson, a real “civic instigator”, are local heroes to me…especially Carlson, who rose from being a bellhop, to being president of the Westin Hotel…Where are such altruistic, dynamic civic leaders now?…I guess those two were more fine examples of “The Greatest Generation”.

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