Fans of KBRD 680 Olympia can now tune in on FM:
KBRD AM 680, daytimer out of Olympia, is now heard 24 hours a day on FM 101.1. Same 34,000 song playlist. made up mainly of 78 rpm records is heard clicks, scratches and all.
Adrian DeBee, GM
Fans of KBRD 680 Olympia can now tune in on FM:
KBRD AM 680, daytimer out of Olympia, is now heard 24 hours a day on FM 101.1. Same 34,000 song playlist. made up mainly of 78 rpm records is heard clicks, scratches and all.
Adrian DeBee, GM
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They certainly are eclectic, to say the least. I like the randomness and weirdness of their playlist. The only thing missing is the stuffy announcer with a hand cupped over his ear.
KTQA 95.3 Low-power (radio dramas) Tacoma
If only we had had these FMs in the 1960s to rebroadcast great radio stations like KHJ Los Angeles, WLS Chicago, and WABC New York.
I’ve been paying attention to 101.1. My list of stations it has rebroadcasted is as follows.
1: KGHO 99.9 Aberdeen
2: KISW 99.9 Seattle
3: KGTK 920 Olympia (day)
4: KXLY 920 Spokane (night)
5: KSHO 920 Lebanon, OR (night)
6: CBU 690 Vancouver, BC (night)
7: KNBR 680 San Francisco (night)
8: KBRD 680 Lacey (day, w/noise)
9: KOMW 680 Omak (early mornings)
10: KBRD 680 now without noise.
Probably missed a few night stations skipping in. Glad it has a better STL path to feed it now.
This is a leftist conspiracy to relegate all of our gun right activist shows to the AM band. Where else am I supposed to hear Gadsden flag flying targeted programming? The people who decided to do this are being controlled by the microchips in the jab. Where’s Loren Culp? He needs to take over and end this war on our freedom. That’s it, I’m storming the capitol. We need more conservative and religious stations. In fact, every station should be either one or the other. If you’ll excuse me, I have a Newsmax article I have to echo on to my followers. Sorry for the correct usage of to, too and two. Also, your and you’re. It’s a liberal area where I am and I’m being influenced. My ivermectin is done being heated on the stovetop.
Sounds like that was written by a Lefty Liberal.
What a great format! I tried to listen online but couldn’t get the player to download.
On your smart phone, download MyTuner Radio. Online the link is
You can get K-BiRD (KBRD) that way.
Or, listen at the KBRD website
Also on your pc
Thanks for the help…This station sounds like KIXI in the mid 60s, but with more obscure song selections
You may be picking up a different station. This station offers no opinion, just music.
Better than the garbage that was on that frequency for over a year. Over the air reception, barely intelligible, of KGTK during the day, then skywave from KXLY and some other station at night. How did that go on for so long? Glad they got it established with something listenable.