The KCPQ 13 Job Board

There are many reasons for the high turnover at KCPQ 13/FOX. Lousy pay, shuffling of news programming, budget, in-fighting, and a pandemic. Recent ND, Erik Breon, had just twelve months at Q13.

Breon faced turmoil and conflict between folks in the newsroom, the estrangement of management and staff due to social distancing, Zoom calls rather than in-person staff meetings and budget constraints, much of which would be blamed on Covid. Faced with these disadvantages and health issues, Breon’s extended medical leave resulted with his departure recently.

Sheila Oliver has been appointed senior vice president and general manager. An acting assistant ND is in place.
And, as of 3 p.m. today, these positions are open at Q13 —

Assignment Manager (Regular, Full Time)

Producer (Regular, Full Time)

Assignment Editor (Regular, Full Time)

Producer (Regular, Full Time)

Evening Producer (Regular, Full Time)

Assignment Editor (Regular, Full Time)

Weather Anchor/Meteorologist (Regular, Full Time)

Morning Producer (Regular, Full Time)

Producer (Regular Full Time)

Morning Show Producer (Regular, Full Time)

Nightside Executive Producer (Regular, Full Time)

Senior Producer (Regular, Full Time)

Digital Account Executive (Regular, Full Time)

Account Executive, (Regular, Full Time):

Broadcast Maintenance Engineer (Regular, Full Time)

KCPQ/KZJO– Human Resources Director (Regular, Full Time)



6 thoughts on “The KCPQ 13 Job Board

  1. I believe the actions of many of Q13’s “news readers” on social media have hurt their station in terms of credibility and ratings. (Q13 was also my go to local news station but no longer.) I really don’t need to be force fed their like’s, dislike’s, drinking habits, sexual perversions, or moral judgments. Too many news readers want to “be the news” and have an insatiable desire to have followers and create “viral” tweets with witty or edgy comments.

    Maybe they should just deliver the news in a professional manner without bias or editorializing. Just a thought. Yeah just dreaming…………..

  2. Enjoy the corporate hell on Earth monkeys. There is no such thing as radical politics + workplace = good stuff. Eat it and poop out the desired talking points for your masters and hope the drink and drug will erase your workplace memories each night. Enjoy!

  3. Q13 is my first choice for news. Some of what I see is a disappointment. There is too much fluff and nonsense. Anchors inject a little too much of their personal business into the broadcasts. As the Mary Tyler Moore show’s Lou Grant always used to say, I Hate Cute.

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