2 thoughts on “Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Mike Lonergan, (But Were Afraid To Ask)

  1. It was a shock to click on Puget Sound Media, and see myself looking back at me. Truly a face for radio!

    By the way, I suggest a new working title, “Much more than you ever cared to know about ML.” Still, Jaynie is a very good writer and I hope those who had similar on and off radio careers could relate.

    1. I enjoyed the article, Jaynie did a fine job. I highly recommend she consider a parttime job at the Tribune. She could do a series on the Old Radio celebs of Puget Sound. This would surely help increase subscriptions to the newspaper. Not certain what the pay rate is for reporters, but the Trib might have a trade-out at Frisko Freeze. She could interview these people over lunch. The column could be called, “Do You Want To Super-Size That Ego?”

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