Commentary: Unmasked Face Triggers Tantrum

The media should broadcast these videos as a public service. One of these in each newscast, to be followed by a 30-second PSA on How To Wash Your Hands. (Because, before the Communist Chinese virus, Americans had no clue about handwashing.)
Videos like this can be examples of “how NOT to react to people who don’t wear masks”.
I might also suggest a Ted Talk on How To Maintain Some Semblance of Dignity in Public.
This is a beautiful example of the kind of meltdowns we see from the virtue signalers. These whiners get right in the face of those who don’t wear masks. The screamers often ignore the six-foot-distance tap dance.
They want to be in control. Yet, they lose control most of the time.
Everyone should wear a mask, but it is none of your business if someone chooses not to wear a mask. Stay away from them, go your own way. You might catch their cooties.

That was delicious!
I wash my feet in your tears.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

1 thought on “Commentary: Unmasked Face Triggers Tantrum

  1. We are here to share information and celebrate the personalities that made radio great. You are welcome, Mike.

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