Jim Valley Facing Medical Crisis

Jim Valley @ KIRO 710 Radio
Portland (KEX)/Seattle (KIRO) broadcaster, Jim Valley, is suffering from Wegener’s Vasculitis. “Basically, it attacks white guys in their 40s and 80s. 20 years ago it was a death sentence. There are maybe 500 cases a year. The cause is unknown. I wish I knew. I’d make changes. Lifestyle, genetics, environment, who knows? My immune system attacked my lungs. If you don’t identify it and treat it soon enough, it moves onto the kidneys and a person can end up on dialysis or dead.”
The medical bills are mounting, and Jim’s wife, Kari, says their medical premiums are rising by 20 percent.
A Go Fund Me page has been set up.

Brandi Kruse spoke up, on the subject of Dori Monson’s recent Tweet controversy: “So – if Dori goes, who is next? Where does the mob focus its attention? On another KIRO Radio host? On anyone who dissents from the prevailing political ideology of the market?
I have many friends and former colleagues at KIRO Radio who I admire and love. I know some of them do not agree with Dori politically, but that difference of opinion is critical in ensuring the station serves its listeners. All of its listeners.
Speaking for myself, I will not be listening to or appearing on KIRO Radio until I know whether Dori’s suspension will be permanent.”

Kruse, a friend and former co-worker of Monson’s, said though she does not support the Tweet, she knows that Monson has expressed his belief that allowing people to change the gender on their birth certificate is not based in science.
“That is his opinion. And that was clearly the same opinion he was attempting to express with his tweet. Where was the mob when he stated this previously? Why wasn’t his employer outraged then if they found it offensive?”

Morgan Palmer celebrates 5 years as Cheif Meteorologist at KIRO 7.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & QZVX.com | Jason's Airchecks

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