Bats*** Crazy News Anchor Takes Personal Battle Online & On Air

FOX/ABC/CW (KYUR) Anchorage news anchor, Maria Athens, this week accused the mayor of Anchorage of inappropriate sexual conduct, and a sexting scandal, WITH HER. Accusations included the mayor posting a nude photo of himself on an under-age children’s website. (Not substantiated at this time).

Mayor Ethan Berkowitz has admitted to the sexting affair. Athens posted the mayor’s nude photo on her Facebook account. Athens also threatened to kill the mayor and his wife. The threat came in a voicemail message Athens left the mayor.

This is her promo about the EXCLUSIVE news story which she said would air later in the evening…

Athens was unable to broadcast that exclusive. She was arrested for assault, after an altercation in the parking lot of the television station, shortly after setting up that teaser.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

17 thoughts on “Bats*** Crazy News Anchor Takes Personal Battle Online & On Air

  1. I know people do it, but when you add any H2O to ouzo it turns from crystal clear to a cloudy color… I learned that on an overnight ferry ride from Piraus to Santorini.

  2. The only logical place for her to go from here is as a crazy sidekick on a morning zoo radio show. I wonder if she was on cocaine when she made that tv report, or whether that was adrenaline.

  3. I found this all weird behavior and wondered what she normally sounded like when not melting down. Anyway, in so doing I see that the mayor has admitted to the sexting affair…but not to posting pics to minors. I also saw that in court she said she is suffering from pancreatitis. I know of those with that and it can be painful and debilitating and even deadly. She is Greek American, hence kind of a cool made up name, This is a story on her and within it is the non watered down audio message she sent to the mayor. Warning she cussed like a sailor on steroids.

    1. I just remembered…there was another kind of whacked lady in Anchorage a couple years ago, who did the weather…she was Black…different for Alaska, right?…Anyway, she signed off on her last weather thing, by announcing that she was quitting, in order to open a pot dispensary!…then she looked into the camera, and breezily said…”f–k off!”…does Alaska make ladies go crazy?

      1. I think AK is like Hawaii. There is a disconnect from the rest of the US. Plus the weather being so cold and dreary. Alaska has the second-highest suicide rate in the nation.

  4. Interesting vocal quality.

    She might land on her paws as “The Mascot’s Voice on the Barroom Floor” at the Malamute Saloon, six hours north on AK-3 in Ester, where they know how to treat a lady.

  5. The plot thickens — She allegedly accosted the station manager, who charging documents identify as her boyfriend, and she was arrested by police. She was released on bail Monday.

    Maria Athens may not get another job in tv news, but she could end up with a tv mini-series or an episode of Snapped.

  6. “The release from the mayor’s office said her boss at the station also disavowed the story. Messages AP left for the station manager both Friday and Monday were not immediately returned.”
    If not immediately, were the calls returned ‘after a fashion’? Are they expected to be returned ‘in due course’?
    I would like to get an estimate on how quickly we should expect someone to return a phone call that might stir things up even more.

  7. Maria Athens, with a MA in Diplomacy & International Relations.
    Anchorage TV is on fire! Athens has been fired from her job. Will she be out of the business for good? How does she look sporting a straight jacket?

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