Jubal Moves To Mornings at KISS 106.1

Jubal Fresh is back and in the morning slot at iHeart KBKS FM/Tacoma. Jubal replaces Carla Marie and Anthony, who were dismissed late last week. Jubal Fresh will now compete with his old morning team, now rebranded Brooke & Jeffrey at Hubbard’s Movin’ 92.5 FM/Seattle. “I’m going back to Kiss because when I left 10-years ago, I didn’t get the chance to clean out my desk, and I just want my favorite pen back,” Jubal quipped. INSIDE RADIO

Alex Fresh, Jubal’s wife, will be featured as co-host, with another to be named later.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & QZVX.com | Jason's Airchecks

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