4 thoughts on “Ric Hansen – KJR – 1976

  1. Ric Hansen has built a quality website at AmazingGreats.net.

    Like everything he has ever done, its created with the great skill that only a pro like Ric can do every time.

  2. Have never seen this studio. Doesn’t seem it would be the KJR studio, but what do I know… ?

    Anyone know…?

    1. The KJR AM studio was just north of the West Seattle bridge off of West Marginal Way. It was the #1 pop station in Seattle in the 70s prior to being turned into a sports radio station with the rise of FM music stations. The building was shared with a country station though I do not remember which one. I was about 12 or 13 when my sister who worked as an on air personality for the station took me into the studio so the memory is not clear bus this picture is vaguely familiar.

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