KIRO-7 Reporter Amy Clancy exits

KIRO-7 investigative reporter Amy Clancy is leaving the Cox outlet effective today after 32 years in the news dept.  Amy states on her Twitter account that she is taking a new position with the Seattle Police Dept. as Strategic Communications Advisor. She is a graduate of Lakes & the Univ. of Wash.

Author: Mike Cherry

retired broadcaster: on-air, MD, PD, asst PD, Prod Mgr, IT, station technician/engineer, pioneer Internet webcaster, station installation/maintenance; 12 years in commercial radio, 17 years volunteer in campus/community radio in B.C., Alberta & Wash. Amateur radio operator & "DXer" specializing in AM night-time DX, short-wave DX/listening & remote SDR DXing/listening

1 thought on “KIRO-7 Reporter Amy Clancy exits

  1. Too bad!…..her reporting was good, and her looks were anchor worthy!…I always felt they should have used her pretty visage more often…It is a shame, that many of our recent characters doing local news are now having to defect to non-news institutions…I guess this all started with Andy Wappler taking a hike, into public relations, many years ago…I guess the money is just not there anymore, in local TV.

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