Dave “The Groz” Grosby battling Parkinson’s disease

 “Seattle Times” columnist Larry Stone writes today about local sports radio personality Dave ‘The Groz’ Grosby’s ongoing battle with Parkinson’s disease.  Battling health problems is not new to ‘The Groz’: in 2005 he underwent sextuple heart bypass surgery, has struggled with ulcerative colitis since age 29 & has ongoing coronary issues. And in 2018, Grosby underwent arterial-bypass surgery in his leg, followed by chronic insomnia.  Recovering from & managing on a daily basis these challenges is struggle enough, but as he was on the mend was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. He has so far avoided the motor issues of Parkinson’s such as tremors and involuntary movements known as dyskinesia.  All of this resulted in Grosby calling it a day on his 30 year career in sports radio.  He joined 950 KJR in 1991 just as they moved to a full time sports format & hosted a solo show until 2008. The well-known sports personality was most recently at “710 ESPN” KIRO-AM  & after his diagnosis became public, Dave reluctantly stepped down from his show with Bob Stelton & Tom Wassell.  He currently does a daily spot on John Clayton’s show, serves as a substitute host as needed and maintains a digital presence at “710 ESPN”. Friends & colleagues of both stations have rallied around ‘The Groz’ to provide support at this time.  He told Larry Stone: “I think I have as good an attitude as I can possibly have,” Grosby said. “In my particular case, I usually feel pretty lousy at the end of the day. It’s rough. But it’s the hand you’re dealt. I always remind myself it could have been a lot worse. I have a nice place, a wonderful wife, health care. But certainly I go through some tough times. There’s no getting around it.” ‘The Groz’ added: “The thing about Parkinson’s is, it’s coming. Parkinson’s doesn’t kill you; it stays with you. That’s why the word optimism is used a lot. For those of us with it, it’s a very tough word because although it’s not a death sentence, you have a sentence on your head. You have a life sentence. You know things are going to deteriorate, period. That’s out there, but it’s not the sort of thing I really dwell a whole lot about.  You can’t control what you have, but you can control how you feel about what you have. I try to keep that in mind as much as I can.”

Author: Mike Cherry

retired broadcaster: on-air, MD, PD, asst PD, Prod Mgr, IT, station technician/engineer, pioneer Internet webcaster, station installation/maintenance; 12 years in commercial radio, 17 years volunteer in campus/community radio in B.C., Alberta & Wash. Amateur radio operator & "DXer" specializing in AM night-time DX, short-wave DX/listening & remote SDR DXing/listening

4 thoughts on “Dave “The Groz” Grosby battling Parkinson’s disease

  1. Groz, I was thinking of you. It’s your old friend Robbie Meckler. We sure had fun back then. God bless you and your family.

  2. Dave, I am an old CWP graduate, 1981, who always told you, “when you become famous, I can say I knew him way back when.. . .” Here is the strangest thing: I also have Parkinson’s. It has been 20 years since my first symptoms. I worked out every day when we were in college and have continued to do so. Here I an at 62, at the gym writing to you. Do you know who I am?

  3. Uncle Dave! You are one of the great storytellers that I have been fortunate enough to have heard. Thank you. Groz with Gas was how I
    ended my day for over a decade, which happened to coincide with the best decade in Seattle sports history. Not many can be a legend in his own time, but you certainly qualify. Much love, brother!

  4. Dave, I know it’s terrible what your experiencing everyday, but your positive attitude can be a lesson and comfort to so many others who have the same day to day challenges!

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