KCPQ Not Mentioned In Nexstar Welcome

In his first town hall meeting, this week, with new Nexstar stations, Chairman Perry Sook explained how Tribune stations would be melded into the Nexstar system. A welcome video from NFL hosts also welcomed former Trib stations to the new Nexstar. Of the stations carrying NFL football, KCPQ 13 was not mentioned. As we reported earlier, FOX intends to purchase Seattle’s KCPQ. It won’t be a Nexstar station for very long.
*The KCPQ website ABOUT page currently (Saturday, 9/21/19) still shows that the station is owned by Tribune. Things are in flux at Channel 13.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & QZVX.com | Jason's Airchecks

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