Bob Hovanes Medical Issues

Bob Hovanes who just got released from the hospital after diagnosed with Acute Congestive Heart Failure with irreparable damage & the possibility of a swift demise. After several days in ICU Cardiac Care, a miracle of sorts happened. Ultrasound revealed his heart function back to normal inspite of earlier x-rays showing quite a different story. After further research, Bob was diagnosed with Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is an immunologically mediated pulmonary disease liked to Bird Fanciers disease. About 5 yrs ago, he aquired another Love Bird, not unlike the one that caused our house fire in West Seattle in 1983. Bob will be on Oxygen for quite awhile & his immune system has alot of recovering to do as he now having to stay in a hotel as his house is completely decontaminated…from new furniture, carpet, HVAC ducts flushed, walls scrubbed & repainted…
From Bob’s wife, posted on Facebook by Gary Crow
Crow and Hovanes pictured at KISW

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

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