Burl Barer Health Status Update

This news is from the KJR group of former employees known as the OFC (Don’t ask why). The first comment is a reply to Steve West, who wondered how Burl was doing. We knew he was going in for heart surgery, but it was rather complicated. See more on that here.

To Steve West,
This message was posted on FB an hour ago: Burl is recovering from quad bypass AND full heart valve replacement. Yes he is in intense pain and is a noisy patient. Keep those prayers coming and if you are a client concerned about your ad placement, burl cant do a damn thing in this condition and even less if he’s dead.

This last jubilant comment on the forum is from Pat O’Day.

Such good news. Ain’t medical science grand? Get ready for Monday lunch
in August Burl.

Author: Steven Smith

Presently editor and historical writer with QZVX.COM in Seattle. Former radio broadcaster and radio station owner, 1970-1999. Journalism and speech communications degrees. I enjoy researching articles and online reporting that allows me to meld together words, audio and video. P.S. I appreciate and encourage reader comments and opinions. View other articles by Steven Smith

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