Ladies, now hear this…

Marketing RADIO
December 19, 1960.
Broadcasting Magazine.

“For generous savings, hurry into your neighborhood grocery and get some Blugg’s rich, magic instant heavy whipped cream, ladies!” This approach to women customers, occasionally used by radio copywriters, is low in “emotional impact,” according to a survey conducted by KOL Seattle. The station sent printed questionnaires to a random sample of women listeners who have been in contact with them for some purpose. Of the 250 sent, 138 were filled in and returned. Words such as “saving,” “economical,” “rich,” “generous,” “sophisticated,” and “magic” have little emotional impact on the distaff audience. “Rhythm,” “excitement,” relax,” and “lovable” were the words most women associated with fun or enjoyment. The term “masculine” struck a responsive chord with 35.5% of the ladies well “feminine” appealed to 28.3%, but words with male connotation, such as “heavy,” “strong,” and “powerful” drew low ratings. The word “color” ranked relatively high (39.9%) and the colors that meant fun to the housewife were: red (19.6%); green (18.8%); blue (17.4%) and yellow (9.4%).
Copies of the condensed results of the station’s word impact survey are offered free to agencies, copywriters and other interested parties. Write: Robert Ward, KOL, Harbor Island, Seattle 4, Washington.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

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