Daily Affirmations, Positive Self Talk And KING TV’s Take 5

Feeling down in the dumps, no energy and considering suicide? Well, KING 5 has been airing a program in the afternoons that will kick that negativity of yours to the curb. KING 5 describes the show this way: “Take 5” empowers you with the knowledge, resources and inspiration to do something that enriches you, your family, or your community. KING 5 launched a new show called “Take 5” and it has a new mission! We want you to come away from the show not just informed, but inspired, entertained and energized. It’s a casual conversation about the news, with storytelling centered around people, places and ideas that leave you feeling something positive.
It has been a few months now. I am curious about your progress. Are you feeling better now than you were before KING’s Take 5 debuted? Doctors say the anti-anxiety/depression medications take at least 30 days before you start seeing results. If you are not feeling up to par, perhaps you should sit in front of your television a little longer each afternoon.
Or maybe that is your problem. You spend too many hours each day in front of the tv or with your face planted in your phone or iPad.
KING 5 has another program that runs in the mid-day period, New Day. New Day, like many of these local infotainment shows, provide brokered time for businesses. The guest interviews and helpful hint presentations are segments paid for by the guests. It’s more money in the briefcases of corporate and, if you watch enough of it, you might feel up to leaving the house one of these days.

1 thought on “Daily Affirmations, Positive Self Talk And KING TV’s Take 5

  1. My most “affirming event” involving tv was throwing mine in the garbage about twenty years ago.

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