KFOA 6th Anniversary – September 1927

KFOA studioMany and varied are the features which have been broadcast over KFOA, the station of Rhodes Department Store, during its six years existence as a pioneer station of the Pacific Northwest.
Beginning as a small 10-watt station occupying a corner of the combined studio and transmitting room, KFOA has kept pace with radio developments. It’s antenna is a familiar landmark in the Seattle skyline and the station is one of the best-known in this district.
It is interesting to note the many special events which have been presented over KFOA from time to time for the pleasure of the Northwest listeners.
On November 26, 1924, the first broadcast of a brass band was presented from the studio of KFOA, and the 29th of the same month the Army-Navy football game was broadcast by telegraphic reports from the East.
The first large musical event to be presented over the air by remote control was the Amphion concert at Meany Hall on the University of Washington campus on Wednesday, December 3.

This was followed by the broadcast of the opening of the Olympic Hotel, an event of great civic interest.
Previous to this KFOA had been selected to be the outlet in the Northwest for the broadcast of the President’s speech from Washington DC. This was the first national chain broadcast over a network of stations covering the entire United States. On July 4, 1925, KFOA was a member of they National chain which presented a National Defense Day program during which the voices of Vice President Dawes, Gen. Pershing and others were heard by radio for the first time in Seattle and vicinity.
On the evening of May 29, 1925, the opening program at the Monte Christo Hotel at Everett was broadcast by special remote control connections.
The first regular programs broadcast from a theater in Seattle were started on March 30, 1925, when the huge organ and the 40-piece orchestra at the Coliseum Theater were presented twice a week for a half-hour.
Sports broadcasts always have been a major feature of KFOA programs. The first regular football games were presented in 1923 from the Stadium and even since that time football has been a yearly activity of the station.
World Series baseball games also have attracted as much attention as any other sport. KFOA can be counted upon to serve its listeners again this year with the World Series games as it has always done in the past.
The broadcast of the Washington-California crew race in 1925 remains as an outstanding achievement. Due to the combined efforts of a dozen or more radio experts and the use of short wave radio communication, listeners were able to hear the program of the race as it actually happened from start to finish.
Championship boxing contests, basketball, hockey and Pacific Coast League ballgames are among the many sport programs which come to listeners of KFOA.

On the evening of May 9, 1926, the first of the series of programs was presented from the studio of KGW at Portland over the newly organized Northwest Chain consisting of KFOA Seattle, KGW Portland and KHQ Spokane.
This chain has continued to present high-class programs since that date and is at the present time recognized as a source of wholesome entertainment. There is hardly a radio listener in the whole Northwest who has not listened with a great deal of pleasure to the famous “Hoot Owls.” Incidentally we might mention that this aggregation of comedians will resume operations on Friday evening at 10:30 and will have Chuck Whitehead and his orchestra as leading members once more.

April 11, 1927 marked the opening of the Pacific Coast Network of the National Broadcasting Company, of which KFOA is a member. This great broadcasting organization was induced to come to the Pacific Coast through the combined efforts of KFOA, KGW, KPO and KFI.
These four well-known stations had been trying for some time to either perfect a chain of their own on the Coast or have the National Broadcasting Company form one.
Consequently a meeting was held in New York which resulted in the present organization designed to present programs on a scale never before attempted.
That this company is fulfilling its promises of outstanding programs is evidenced by the recent broadcast of the San Francisco and Los Angeles Symphony Orchestras, the Lindbergh reception program, the Dempsey boxing contest and the regular daily programs from San Francisco.
Programs already booked on both the Northwest and Pacific Coast chains for the coming fall and winter season will ensure the listeners of KFOA of the best there is in radio.

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & QZVX.com | Jason's Airchecks

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