APRIL 1939 Tacoma Recruits — Real interest was given a courtesy program for the Washington National Guard on which KVI, Tacoma, broadcast an actual enlistment of a new National Guard recruit. The entire enlistment ceremony was conducted in the studio by Major Kenneth G. Whyte, of the Medical Corps, and marked the first time a guardsman ever had been enrolled on the air.
Officials of 12 stations of the Pacific Broadcasting Co. Northwest unit of Mutual-Don Lee system, held their annual mid-summer conference July 14 in studios of KMO, Tacoma. Carl E. Haymond, owner of KMO, Tacoma, and KIT, Yakima. and general manager of the network. expressed satisfaction with progress made last year. Attending the meeting were Marshall Rengra, KRNA Roseburg, Ore.; Frank Hill, KORE Eugene, Ore.; Harry Reid, KSLM Salem, Ore.; M. F. Woodling, KWLK Longview; Elroy McCaw, KELA Centralia; Tom Olsen, KGY Olympia; Harry Spence KXRO, Aberdeen; Cole Wylie KPQ Wenatchee; Rogan Jones KVOS Bellingham; Jim Murphy KIT Yakima; Archie Taft KOL Seattle.
August 1939 – Jim Peterson, announcer of KVI, Tacoma, has returned from a three month cruise to the East via the Panama Canal and brought back his bride the former Vern Harris of Kansas City. KVI also announces that Mary Louise Wortman, secretary to Mrs. Vernice Boullianne, manager, will wed Charles Curran of Tacoma.
August 1938 — Everett Tomlinson, Hollywood writer of the CBS-Pacific Hollywood Showcase, and Wanda Webster of Tacoma, Wash., will be married in Tacoma Aug. 9.
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