BOO! Stories of the Super-Natural To Air To National Audience

Keisha Burns left KING 5 in late January. She starts at KXAS Dallas on Monday, February 27…Also leaving town same day – Kwame Danka, former APD/afternoon host at Power 93.3 KPWK-FM joining Star 104 WRTS-FM 103.7 Erie PA as its new Program Director…ENTERCOM to syndicate late-nite spook show: The show is called Beyond Reality, a two-hour talk show about the paranormal. Westwood One is partnering with Entercom to syndicate the show starting March 6. It’s already airing on 16 Entercom stations. Premiere has pretty much owned that time-slot with Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory and before that Art Bell. The show is co-hosted by Jason Hawes, co-founder of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) and creator and star of Syfy’s blockbuster hit Ghost Hunters, and JV Johnson, a long-time paranormal investigator and former publisher and editor of TAPS ParaMagazine. RADIO INK

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & | Jason's Airchecks

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