TEGNA Takes A Page From Donald Trump: YOU’RE FIRED!!

Weather gal Keisha Burns exits KING 5. She came to the Seattle station from KWGN/Denver and KTVZ/Bend. Who even knew Bend, Oregon had a TV station? As mentioned here earlier, Jordan Steele, meterologist from KEYE/Austin, moves into position in March. There was a time when one person, usually an old white guy, manned the anchor desk and handled all the chores. One man did news, sports and weather. It is not inconceivable to believe that TEGNA and other corporate bean counters see this as a possibility in the coming years…Know this: If you work at any TV station in the Northwest and have received a raise recently or are higher on the food chain (money-wise), your days are numbered…Keisha Burns joins Tracy Taylor, recently canned from the once-regal TV company. Firings and cutbacks will continue at KING and wherever else broadcast corporate execs see possible savings. Somewhere, someone in the company is filling his briefcase with money – employees be damned! … KMIH FM (Mercer Island High School) recently switched its moniker to THE BRIDGE. It is not a Bridge to a format you will necessarily listen to, anytime soon. The transmitter is 30 watts, the website PLAYER doesn’t work (no streaming at this time) and the only method you might use is the Smartphone app. Yeah, that won’t happen. I guess KMIH is just going to slowly ease into the new format. No specifics yet on what the playlist might look/sound like, anywhere on the website. BRIDGE to Nowhere? — UPDATE: After several attempts, the KMIH online stream kicked in. The music: Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie, Queen — oh yes! CLASSIC ROCK. meh…

Author: Jason Remington

QZVX Creator, Admin, & Editor, former broadcaster. ABOUT Jason & QZVX.com | Jason's Airchecks

1 thought on “TEGNA Takes A Page From Donald Trump: YOU’RE FIRED!!

  1. Michael and Barbara lCrocker says:
    February 3, 2017 7:39 pm at
    It’s unfortunate that corporate greed seems to be more important that viewer comfort.
    We have been very happy and comfortable with the fine work of both Tracy Taylor and Kisha Burns.
    Apparently King 5 would rather have us become happier viewers of some other station.
    Mike and Barbara Crocker

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