6 thoughts on “Beautiful Music on KBIQ

  1. George Toles was at KBIQ about 1968-9. He came from Chicago. He became the arena announcer for the Supersonics for many years, and also the voice of the Seattle Boat Show. He played a big part in the change to contemporary popular music at KBIQ.

  2. john fortmeyer says:
    October 10, 2016 6:14 pm at
    Thanks much for sharing this, as always! But I am going to challenge the 1974 date that you have given here for the transition from KGFM to KBIQ. I am absolutely certain that it was several years earlier.

    toddmitchell says:
    October 11, 2016 6:07 pm at
    Broadcasting Yearbook had the calls changed by 1969, with the KGFM calls surfacing in their longtime location, Bakersfield, CA, then (http://www.americanradiohistory.com/hd2/IDX-Business/Annuals/Archive-BC-YB-IDX/60s-OCR-YB/1969-YB/1969-BC-YB-OCR-Page-0179.pdf#search=%22kgfm%22)

    pugetsound says:
    October 11, 2016 10:05 pm at
    After researching the Boone Kirkman fight history, 1967 would be an accurate date for this story. Stredicke had dated it 1974, but further research proves you both to be correct on the date.

  3. Phil Butler was a wonderful man. I was a high schooler interested in a radio career and let would let me visit and practice in an empty studio.

    In 1971 when I graduated, I worked weekends and some work week fill in for several years at KGDN and KBIQ FM. I found the automation clunky, but most of the time it worked well. I cut my hands many times on the 14″ reels as they spun fast on rewinds.

    Some of the names I recall are, Roger Booth (General Manager) Ken Gaydos (news) George Pettingel (operations) and Chris Myhre (chief engineer). Marvin Mickley, Lorin Hoy (on-air), Dave Olsen (sales) and Rich Germaine (promotions).

      1. Yes, I don’t recall when Rich was on-air at KIRO-FM (KSEA). Dave Olsen also was moonlighting about 71 -72 on KIRO AM. I went to work at KIRO-FM in October ’73 to do automation watching and production. My thing was precise audio levels. Earned many kudos from the Bonneville Broadcast Consultants brass (Marlin Taylor) about my skills. Being an audiophile was key. Likely I was one of the few radio persons that is a serious musician and an audiophile. Saw Marlin in January 2020 when he came to Portland to visit his deceased wife’s family. I didn’t continue with radio as it did not pay well and formats come and go with the tides.

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