Lost Dogs, Obituaries, and Bad Checks

Radio has always been ready when news breaks. Always informative, radio in 1961 not only had hourly news reports on most stations, but one station carried information targeted to local businesses. KMCS also offered it’s background music programming to grocery stores. Shoppers could enjoy Mantovani while picking up bread and milk at the local Piggly Wiggly.

2 thoughts on “Lost Dogs, Obituaries, and Bad Checks

  1. KMCS, the Market Casters Station, was heard only in grocery stores years before it was heard over the air at 98.9 Megacycles.

    Busy housewives shopping their nearby Market Basket, Tradewell, Lucky, Food Giant, Thriftway, Big Bear, PX, Mayfair or IGA Foodliner would enjoy mellow music and hear about today’s specials for their very store and no other. Every few minutes, the announcer, who sounded like a “real dreamboat”, would say, “This is Market Casters”, no doubt eliciting swoons, goose bumps, fluttering eyelashes and heart palpitations in those domestically occupied but happy homemakers.

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