KING 5 – Racially motivated reporting?

There is something new being rolled out to the public. Google ESG and do some research. ESG is more social engineering straight out of Orwell’s book, 1984. These fabricated pretexts that appear familiar (or safe) to the public, prey on cognitive biases to lull the public into a false sense of security and trust. “Trust inherently,” says Big Brother. This mind-set is being used today with investments and in outlining corporate business practices. This goes beyond Critical Race Theory.

ESG shapes the reporting of mainstream media.

Is KING 5 deciding how to report crime based on RACE?

Author: Lou Robbins

Lou Robbins - Admin, & Editor of QZVX. | Lou Robbins Airchecks KTOY | KVAC (WA-1974) | KDFL (WA-1975) | KTTX (TX- 1976) | KWHI (TX-1976) | KONP (WA-1977) | KBAM (WA-1978) | KJUN (WA-1983) | KRPM (WA-1984) | KAMT (WA-1986) | KASY (WA-1988) | KBRD (WA-1989) | KTAC (WA-1990) | KMTT (WA-1991) | KOOL (AZ-1994)

8 thoughts on “KING 5 – Racially motivated reporting?

  1. From the US dept of Labor:
    “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing”.

    KING 5 has come out and specifically said they are hiring by race. Justifying a hiring decision by calling it a “diversity” or “equity” hire demonstrates the playing field is not a level one. You can try to justify it anyway you wish but basing a hiring decision on race / ethnicity still violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In fact the purpose of the act was to make hiring a color blind decision based on qualifications.

    We have shifted to a time that everything is now based on the race, national origin, sexual preference, class, sex, or claimed sex/proclivity of a person. Identity politics has morphed into something unrecognizable.

  2. LAW.COM

    Florida becomes at least the sixth state divesting from New York-based BlackRock, Wall Street’s biggest champion of environmental, social and governance investing.

  3. It’s a Liberal Lefty thing—-

    (BLOOMBERG) Banks and financial firms are quietly recalibrating how they talk about ESG investing in the US, navigating around potential political fights in order to avoid losing lucrative business.

    Eleven major banks and money managers told Bloomberg News that they’re adjusting the language they use in pitch books, marketing materials and investor reports when seeking to sell funds and take part in financial deals. In some cases this means avoiding using the ESG acronym and related terms in Republican-led states, while for blue states, they’re playing up their ESG credentials, according to representatives of the financial firms who asked not to be named discussing private information.

    1. That’s called lying
      So as business and politics get more deceitful I hope people understand the future is NOT going to go well
      No matter what the drug dealer from college, the Netflix cartoons, the online gaming buddy or floozy from the online dating tell people
      It’s called the end times and society is bringing disaster on itself

  4. 5/2/2023– Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed into law Tuesday a sweeping ban on sustainable investing.

    House Bill 3 bars state and local governments from factoring in environmental, social or governance (ESG) factors in their decision of whether to invest or contract with specific businesses.

    It also obligates state-registered banks to make loans to several industries — including fossil fuels, private prisons or the manufacture and sale of firearms — that the GOP alleges some large financial firms have been turning away from.

    House Bill 3 would bar financial institutions from “discriminating against customers for their religious, political, or social beliefs — including their support for securing the border, owning a firearm, and increasing our energy independence,” according to a fact sheet from the state of Florida.

    In his signing ceremony on Tuesday, DeSantis — standing above a lectern that said GOVERNMENT OF LAWS, NOT WOKE POLITICS — lambasted ESG as an attempt by “Davos elites” to “impose ideology through business institutions.”

    “They want to use economic power to impose this agenda on our society,” DeSantis said Tuesday.

    “And we think in Florida, that is not gonna fly here.”

  5. Yep and it will work
    Lots of society tolerate propaganda and social engineering too much for it not to succeed
    People are used to bad indoctrination via decades of public school, college and TV

  6. (
    What Should ESG Policies Include?
    Once an organization realizes the need for stated ESG policies, the question “How do I write an ESG policy?” swiftly follows. ESG is a broad concept, incorporating a wide range of considerations. When crafting your ESG policies, you might want to think about including policies around:
    Corporate use of pollutants, chemicals and renewable energy sources
    The carbon and sustainability reports you produce
    Increasing sustainability in your supply chain investment strategies; do you invest in businesses that support the climate agenda?
    Your approach to inclusion and diversity
    Pay and rewards policies, especially the hot topic of executive compensation
    Your impact on the communities in which you operate
    The diversity of your board
    How you mitigate supply chain risks
    Transparency around corporate reporting and engagement with voluntary ESG-related reporting like TCFD
    Documenting, monitoring and reporting on your governance, risk and compliance strategy

    What Do Best Practice ESG Policies Look Like?
    There are several recognized best practices in policy management, and they can be applied to ESG policies as neatly as to any others. If you want to demonstrate best practice ESG policy management, you need to:
    1. Set clear policies. A systematic and inclusive approach is the key here: involve the people responsible for managing the process in question and work through the stages involved to identify pain points and essential steps to capture.

    2. Bring diverse views to the policy-making table. If your policy-makers are at risk of groupthink due to limited diversity, consider drawing on insights from individuals outside the group. It’s valuable to bring individuals from various races, genders, sexual orientations, beliefs, cultures, socioeconomic stratum, etc. Here are two things you can do about it:

    Consider implementing reverse mentoring. On Berne Brown’s Dare to Lead podcast, Patrice Gordon explains that, unlike the traditional setup, reverse mentoring is “a practice that sets up a junior team member, often a member of an underrepresented group, to mentor senior staff.” Reverse mentoring can help your executives avoid groupthink and hear new perspectives to improve your ESG policies. However, this program isn’t an alternative to building diverse boards. Instead, it should support your DEI goals and recruitment strategy.
    Consider your hiring processes. Does this usually happen through word-of-mouth or long-term acquaintances? Many people find they inadvertently hire people similar to themselves, reducing the diversity of thought. Broadening your network with diverse and talent-ready individuals can break this cycle and produce lasting change. The Director Network is a great way to take this next step.
    3. Document your policies. This can be neglected, especially in start-ups or smaller enterprises, where the need for rigor in process and policy management can be under-estimated. Similarly, with newer concepts like ESG, organizations can be slow to capture policies in a formal document.

    But if you want people to buy into and comply with your ESG policies, you need to ensure they are clearly understood, measurable and transparent. In terms of scope, they should include the types of issues outlined above, alongside any other ESG-related areas that are of particular relevance in your organization. For instance, if you work in a historically polluting sector, you may want to prioritize setting policies to address things that impact climate and communities.

    4. Review and reassess policies regularly. ESG is a rapidly evolving construct; as your approaches, priorities and success measures advance, your stated policies should change in tandem. External regulatory and legislative imperatives are likely to develop at pace; your policies need regular reviews to keep track.

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