KUOW Archives: Bryan Johnson Reports Death of President Kennedy on KOMO Radio

[Feliks Banel] Bryan Johnson broke the news of President Kennedy’s assassination on KOMO Radio for Seattle listeners on this day, November 22, 1963.
“My heart is in my throat at this point. I am a young guy, 27 years old, and I’m there trying to ad lib that the president of the United States has been shot, perhaps fatally.”
Johnson stayed on the air until the ABC national feed came back with more information.

Produced by Feliks Banel/2013

Bryan Johnson – KOMO 1000 Seattle reporting the death of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963

1 thought on “KUOW Archives: Bryan Johnson Reports Death of President Kennedy on KOMO Radio

  1. Listening to that segment again, I realized the tag at the end is a bit misleading. Johnson makes it fairly clear that he announced the shooting (perhaps fatal), not the actual death report. By the time that news came down, ABC (and all the other nets) were in wall-to-wall coverage.

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