The Bowes Building – Tacoma

Home to KRPM FM, where I toiled over hot turntables, the Bowes Building built of white Vermont marble. It was named after its developer Major Edward J. Bowes, who achieved national fame for his “Amateur Hour” radio program. Bowes developed the town of Fircrest, near Tacoma. There was even a zoo in early Fircrest. Bowes dreamed – and built BIG.

Author: Lou Robbins

Lou Robbins - Admin, & Editor of QZVX. | Lou Robbins Airchecks KTOY | KVAC (WA-1974) | KDFL (WA-1975) | KTTX (TX- 1976) | KWHI (TX-1976) | KONP (WA-1977) | KBAM (WA-1978) | KJUN (WA-1983) | KRPM (WA-1984) | KAMT (WA-1986) | KASY (WA-1988) | KBRD (WA-1989) | KTAC (WA-1990) | KMTT (WA-1991) | KOOL (AZ-1994)

1 thought on “The Bowes Building – Tacoma

  1. Very interesting history.

    I had never heard of a local connection to Major Bowes. By the time I started listening to The Amateur Hour, it was being hosted by the Major’s hand-picked successor, Ted Mack.

    Accordionists were plentiful, always giving us Lady of Spain, as were musical saw players, who made their instruments go waw waw whoop.

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