11/24/1988 – KING’s new Mr. Controversy won’t be a turkey today

VICTOR STREDICKE November 24, 1988 – A typical – make sure you read that first big initial – for Mike Siegel, KING’s new talk-show host gets warm and fuzzy for the holiday.
Siegel thrives on generating controversy. As host of KING-AM’s commute-home show, Siegel has already demonstrated this week that he’s irked by incompetence, unbaffled by babble. But today he’s reuniting families, renewing acquaintances. If you have a relative who’s far enough removed that you’re waiting for a phone call, call Siegel (441-5464). He’ll use Mr. TenNinety’s money for a long-distance conference call. The reunions will be broadcast, shared with KING listeners. “It’s a thing I’ve done before, in St. Louis, Miami, Palm Beach and Boston. It works,” Siegel said.
By tomorrow, Siegel should be back to form, wielding the sledge hammer.

Visiting the malls

Keith Jonnason and Norm Gregory will broadcast from Seattle’s new Westlake Mall, watching shoppers on the biggest shopping day of the year, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow, on KOMO, 1000 kHz.
Ted Potter will be up in KOMO Air Patrol tomorrow, not for workers, but for shoppers – watching expected gridlock at the Tacoma Mall, few parking spaces at Crossroads and Bellevue Square, and blue-light disasters in K mart parking lots.

Radio fund drive

Want to hear Montovani on KISW? Want to buy some fame and fortune for your musical aggregation? Want to help a kid? To raise money for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Washington, KISW will block out Saturday for an “All-Request Radiothon.” Wild musical selections, visiting celebrities and the antics of John Lisle and Jim Kampmann, regular weekday morning-show hosts, will focus on the pledge-taking efforts. Lisle is scheming dozens of ways to make listeners contribute, including dedications, special requests, outrageous antics. The feature will run from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Make-a-Wish Foundation of Washington does not spend on research, but grants wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses.

Twisting the dial

— This weekend on KUOW, 94.9 mHz., there’s a Garrison Keillor special from Nashville. The next Keillor special will be a 90-minute Christmastime broadcast from Copenhagen, Denmark, on Dec. 17. It will be distributed by the American Public Radio Network.

— The last John Lennon interview, recorded in 1980 by RKO Network in Lennon’s Dakota Apartment dwelling, will be broadcast Dec. 8 on KZOK, 102.5 mHz.

— The December 6 “Open Mike” broadcast from Antique Sandwich, Tacoma restaurant, will mark 19 years for Victory Music, the volunteer corporation for musicians. Victory’s “Open Mike,” at 7 p.m. Tuesdays on KVTI, 90.9 mHz., usually manages to squeeze in 30 acts by folk, blues, jazz or country singer-songwriters.

Author: Victor Stredicke

Former radio columnist for the Seattle Times (1964-1989). --- View other articles by Victor Stredicke

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