1987: Baseball Broadcasters Reminisce

May 22, 1987 – KKMO broadcaster Bob Robertson hosted an on-air reunion of former Tacoma Tigers baseball play-by-play announcers. The cast included Don Hill, the original Tacoma Tigers announcer; Jerry Howarth, who was then the current broadcaster for the Toronto Blue Jays games; Bill Doan, who called 1973 Tacoma Twins action, and Art Popham, who handles the air duties for nine years.

Author: Lou Robbins

Lou Robbins - Admin, & Editor of QZVX. | Lou Robbins Airchecks KTOY | KVAC (WA-1974) | KDFL (WA-1975) | KTTX (TX- 1976) | KWHI (TX-1976) | KONP (WA-1977) | KBAM (WA-1978) | KJUN (WA-1983) | KRPM (WA-1984) | KAMT (WA-1986) | KASY (WA-1988) | KBRD (WA-1989) | KTAC (WA-1990) | KMTT (WA-1991) | KOOL (AZ-1994)

1 thought on “1987: Baseball Broadcasters Reminisce

  1. There’s a recording of this reunion at the Shanaman Sports Museum page. (Scroll down to “Audios” at the end.) Lots of reminiscing about recreating games from the studio.

    That whole site is full of great audio, some of which goes back to the ’40s.

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