5 thoughts on “Good Morning (Lee) Smith, Jerry Holzinger, Stu Martin. It’s August 1969!

  1. It is the same Lee Smith. He worked at KING AM for about 2 years beginning in Spring 1980 in its Soft Rock and More era. I was let go to make room for him. They hired me back in the summer of ’81 and Lee was still there at that point.

  2. I was at KURB when Skip Piper came to work there with his jazz show in 1969. He was one of the nicest people I ever met in radio and he had a great sense of humor and a great voice. He always had some strange true funny story to tell. I had listened to him on KAYO for a long time before I met him and he encouraged me to keep trying to get on there. He also sold jingle packages for Pepper-Tanner and worked on the road calling on radio stations. After trying to track him down for a long time, this year I found an obituary for Albert Shannon Piper on an Oregon funeral home’s website. He was 91 when he passed away. He and his beautiful wife Kathryn were married for about fifty years. Skip told me in an email ten or fifteen years ago, “Kathy still has me on probation.”

  3. Lee Smith worked at KJR until 1973 and then went into sales. He might have worked at KING, before moving on to stations in San Francisco. The Emp died in 2001.

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