“America’s 1st News” moves to Seattle

RadioOnline today is reporting that the syndicated “America’s 1st News with Matt Ray” morning show which currently airs on 85 affiliates is moving to Seattle’s news/talk 770 KTTH where it will air live weekdays from 2am-6am PT.  Ray commented to Radio Online: “I’ve had the pleasure of working with the station’s Jason Rantz and the engineering staff in the past and they’re the best in the business. We’re thrilled to join the team on a permanent basis.”  The program will air breaking news, election coverage, interviews with newsmakers, guest contributions & a sports segment with well-known sports voice Don Criqui.  In Radio Online Criqui noted: “America’s 1st News sports is hitting a winning stride. It’s great working with both Matt and Galen. We’re covering sports headlines that are relevant right now. Our style trends toward what I’ve done with John Gambling and Don Imus.”  Matt Ray has a 20-year background as an award-winning news anchor, news director, talk host, producer and programmer.

Author: Mike Cherry

retired broadcaster: on-air, MD, PD, asst PD, Prod Mgr, IT, station technician/engineer, pioneer Internet webcaster, station installation/maintenance; 12 years in commercial radio, 17 years volunteer in campus/community radio in B.C., Alberta & Wash. Amateur radio operator & "DXer" specializing in AM night-time DX, short-wave DX/listening & remote SDR DXing/listening

2 thoughts on ““America’s 1st News” moves to Seattle

  1. Matt Ray is a Liberal insider on a Conservative news station.
    He’s biased and I’m not listening to this punk anymore.

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