Ballad of the Mad Streaker

In 1974, former KJR DJ, Larry Lujack, stepped into a recording studio to make this recording. Larry, of course became a major player in Chicago radio. I suppose one could guess it must have gotten airplay in the Chicago area, but it did not chart on Billboard’s Hot 100. I don’t even recall hearing it on the air in Seattle.

Author: Duane Smart

Duane Smart was Mr. Music Man for the J.P. Patches program at KIRO 7 tv. He also chose music for almost all of the local studio productions at KIRO. Be it a public service show or a new news theme, The Big Money Movie or the theme music for Joe Towey’s “Nightmare Theater”…..these were the days before “packaged” theme music came into being at KIRO. Duane also did freelance work recording commercials. For more than 20 years Duane Smart also did all the music that ran at Enchanted Village and Wild Waves. Once the J.P. Patches show went off the air, Duane decided to retire, after having enjoyed 29 years at KIRO.

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