Executive changes in Seattle radio

stredicke-headerNovember 1979 – Michael O’Shea, former program director at KVI, has been named national program director of Golden West Broadcasters. The program director doesn’t direct any programs, anymore. He directs the talent, inspires them to do their best.
O’Shea’s challenge is to get the best performance out of such diverse personalities, for example, as Gary Owens and Don Drysdale, at KMPC Los Angeles and Bob Hardwick and Bob Robertson at KVI.
O’Shea came to KVI two and a half years ago from Fort Lauderdale Florida. He left KVI four months ago, lured away by the Los Angeles station, KPOL.

Author: Victor Stredicke

Former radio columnist for the Seattle Times (1964-1989). --- View other articles by Victor Stredicke

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